Groton Parks and Recreation
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Weather Cancellation & Refund Policy

At times it may be necessary to cancel programs due to circumstances beyond our control. Every effort is made to notify participants and schedule make-up sessions. Programs may be canceled due to low enrollment.

Weather Cancellations:
If schools are closed, all classes scheduled to begin prior to 3:00 p.m. are canceled. A decision to cancel afternoon and evening classes is made by 1:00 p.m.

If schools are dismissed early due to weather conditions, classes scheduled after 3:00 p.m. are canceled.

If schools have a delayed opening due to weather conditions, programs scheduled to begin prior to 3:00 p.m. are canceled.

Decisions for weekend programs are made by 7:00 a.m. for morning classes and 11 a.m. for afternoon and evening classes. Cancellation information will be available by calling us at 860-441-6791 and on our Facebook page.

Refund Policy:
NO Refunds after the 2nd class for most programming. Refunds for summer camps must be made 2 weeks in advance of the starting date. Please allow 2 weeks from request for refund checks to be processed. Refunds by credit card may take 3-7 business days to reflect in your account. An administrative fee will be charged for any refunds processed.